Taking Refuge Ceremony
The Three-Fold Refuge
I take refuge in the Buddha
I take refuge in the Dharma
I take refuge in the Sangha
The Ten Precepts
I undertake the training to refrain from killing, instead I will cherish all life
I undertake the training to refrain from stealing, instead I will respect the things of others
I undertake the training to refrain from sexual misconduct, instead I will be respectful with mind and action
I undertake the training to refrain from wrong speech, instead I will communicate with truthfulness
I undertake the training to refrain from intoxication, instead I will cultivate mindfulness with a clear mind
I undertake the training to refrain from slandering others, instead I will praise their qualities
I undertake the training to refrain from self praise, instead I will maintain modesty and encourage others
I undertake the training to refrain from being stingy, instead I will share especially the dharma
I undertake the training to refrain from ill will, instead I will dwell in equanimity
I undertake the training to not slander the three jewels, instead I will respect buddha, dharma and sangha
The Three Root Precepts
Do not harm others
Strive to do good
Be kind to all sentient beings
Refuge Prayer
Until my awakening
I take refuge in the buddha, dharma and sangha
By the merit of accomplishing the six perfections, may I achieve buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings