Audio Downloads

From 2001 until 2009 audio recordings rather than videos of retreats are available. Three of these are offered free below, and others can be purchased by clicking the link.

Buy Audio Downloads of Complete Retreats

Free Audio Downloads of Complete Retreats

To listen online click the link to play the track. To download, right click the link, then download and save the file to your chosen destination.

Dhanakosa Retreat 2006

Day One – Meditation and the Four Postures (12Mb) Track1-DK06
Day Two – Secrets of the Body (14Mb) Track2 DK06
Day Three – Universal Embodiment of Shunyata (13Mb) Track3 DK06
Day Four – Commitment and Inner Strength (15Mb)Track4 DK06
Day Five – Awakening to Buddha Nature (15Mb) Track5 DK06
Day Six – Reflections on Practice & Q&A’s (18Mb) Track6 DK06

Dhanakosa Pure Awareness Retreat 2005

Track 1 – Introduction to the Retreat (5Mb) Track 1 dk05
Track 2 – Introducing Pure Awareness Practice (17Mb) Track 2 dk05
Track 3 – Questions on Metta: Habits in the Mirror of Practice(12Mb) Track 3 dk05
Track 4 – Living in the Heart of Emotions: Danger of Practice without Proper Support (14Mb) Track 4 dk05
Track 5 – Coming into Relationship with Buddha Nature (15Mb) Track 5 dk05
Track 6 – The Value of Prayer: Genuine Change comes only through Commitment: Faith and Trust (15Mb) Track 6 dk05
Track 7 – Final Synopsis and Questions (18Mb) Track 7 dk05
Track 8 – Puja: Heart Sutra and The Great Bodhisattva Vows (2Mb) Track 8 dk05

A Weekend in Dublin 2001

Day 1 – track 1(20Mb) Track wd1 day1
Day 1 – track2(17Mb) Track wd2 day1
Day 1 – track3(12Mb) Track wd3 day1
Day 2 – track1(17Mb) Track wd1 day2
Day 3 – track2(15Mb) Track wd2 day2

Other Recordings available to Sangha Members

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