Time For Renewal


This talk took place on New Year’s Eve, and so I suggested to the group that they made use of this time to look back over the year that was about to end, and ponder if there were grounds to renew their commitment to practice in the New Year that was about to begin.
Of course, as practitioners we should always be watchful of our commitment to training as a part of everyday awareness; but be especially watchful to the danger of falling into the ‘comfort zone’ that manifests in numerous ways being the greatest and most common mara that follows us all.



Karen Piggin:

This talk is one of my favourites, with a fabulous description of the wild mind as an untamed horse and how through committed practice, friendship and trust the trainer and animal can become one. A good time too to listen to this again as we go in to a new year, and I ask myself if I can maintain my commitment to contain and not be pulled around by my emotions. And how I can work at being honest with myself, to look at me without any pretence or judgement. Āloka reminds us to always reflect, but use this time of year in particular to look back over the last 12 months, and also to strive to refine our thoughts, words and deeds in the next 12. He ends with some real nuggets – don’t take things personally – everything is an empty dharma – we create suffering through attachment.


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